All Day is a product that empowers behavior change and leads people to healthier lives—whether that be through getting enough sleep, physical activity, practicing mindfulness, or even nutrition. Working in a cross-disciplinary team with Uncorked Studios and adidas, we looked to not only design a beautiful looking app, but also a system to encourage people to build new habits that'll stick.


UI Mobile App Design
for adidas
With the Uncorked Studios team:

︎︎︎ Creative Direction: Felix Ballerstedt

︎︎︎ Art Direction: Matthew Noe

︎︎︎ UX Design: Megan Hansen, Melissa Chan, & Sarah Cespedes

︎︎︎ UI Design: Phillip Nguyen, Ali Gary, & Melodee Dudley

All Day home screen that tracks your activity all in one view.

Monthly activity view as well as a recipe library for healthy eating.
digital w/e designer
portland, oregon